This charter gives structure to the organisation known as the 3rd Regiment Royal Horse Artillery Past and Present Members (3 RHA PPM). Membership of 3 RHA PPM is generally restricted to past and present members of 3 RHA including those who served in the Regiment as attached arms.
The 3 RHA PPMA is designed to be a membership focussed, enduring association, governed by a simple set of aims and procedures. The association considers all its members as equals, affording no privilege to rank or station. Our key mission is the preservation and celebration of the extended Regimental family
Aims of the PPM.
The general aims of the PPM are as follows:
To celebrate a common bond through our comradeship and pride of being RHA men and women who have served, or are presently serving, in this unique Regiment.
To promote the annual PPM function thereby providing a central focus for all 3 RHA reunions. (The PPMA will not infringe on previously established Sub Unit reunions).
To promote the annual PPM attendance at the Army v Navy Rugby match thereby providing a central focus for 3 RHA attendance.
To promote the annual PPM attendance at the National Act of Remembrance at the Cenotaph.
To encourage and facilitate PPM attendance at the funerals of members.
To promote wider Regimental engagement through links with PPMA members and other stakeholders (such as RHQ RA and the RBL).
To identify (through engagement by the membership) members unfortunate enough to have fallen on hard times and coordinate RAA assistance when necessary.
To maintain communication through the provision of social media and a website.
Roles and Responsibilities.
The role of the PPM is to maintain links between serving and ex members of 3 RHA, thus providing a foundation on which ethos and heritage may continue to flourish. The serving lead for the PPMA is the Commanding Officer of 3 RHA, the Regimental POC is the Regimental Sergeant Major,
Additionally, the following appointments have been established:
President – General (Retd) Sir Richard Lawson Barrons, KCB, CBE
Chairman – Colonel ((Retd) Andrew Budd MSM
Co Chairman – Commanding Officer of the Serving Regiment.
Secretary – Jimmy Hilton.
Parade RSM – Steven (Dougie) McClure
Battery Representatives – Battery Sergeant Majors.
Welfare Secretary – Regimental Welfare Officer.
Membership (Core and Honorary).
a. Core membership is an inherent entitlement to all serving and ex members of 3 RHA regardless of time served. Honorary membership is offered to families of deceased members of the Regiment who have died whilst or since serving with the Regiment.
b. All members will have access to the PPM website and Facebook page which will contain all current and archive information on future events.
Links to other Organizations/ Associations.
The PPM will maintain links with:
The Regimental Charity ‘Red Cypher’.
The Royal Artillery Association (RAA).
The Royal Artillery Charitable Fund (RACF).
The Royal British Legion.
Annual Fees.
Annual fees will not be charged for membership of the PPM.
Review Committees.
The PPM is an informal, family orientated organisation, but at times it will become necessary for general management decisions to be considered such as:
The recognition of service to the PPM and Regiment.
The PPM strategy and communication plan.
Innovation and modernisation.
The PPM programme of events.
Such decisions will be referred to a Review Committee to be formed at the direction of the Chairman. Due to availability, the membership of such committees will be ad-hoc, but they will always consist of at least three individuals representing both the Serving and Veteran communities. After a fair hearing of all relevant opinion, simple majority decisions will be carried. In extremis issues may be raised to the President for his direction and guidance.
If any members have a complaint against any member or official of the PPM they should submit the complaint in writing to the Chairman who will conduct an investigation.
In conclusion, this charter should be seen as a framework of understanding, it is not designed to be an exhaustive rule book. The 3 RHA PPM is a valuable resource, much admired by other Regiments and rare in its obvious success. It prospers with light touch management and does not require excessive regulation to be successful.